Posts Tagged ‘Read’

Why I Don’t Read Some Blogs

November 5, 2008

Okay, so maybe I might open a can of worms by expressing my dismay when bloggers blog about shits. But of course there are really topics that authors blog about that are really no-no for me as a reader. Well, I know that line is going to be vastly different for other people. But here are my bullet points for not reading a certain blog.

Reason #1: Your blog is filled with cursing.
If your own lingo is all about cursing and cussing, it’s probably okay that your blogging reflect that. But it is very odd and disconcerting to a blog whose every posts is richly peppered with swear words. I am not campaigning against profanity and cursing but I would like to promote decency in writing, or at least in blogging. One does not need to resort to vulgarity and profanity to drive home a certain point. Profanity is used when the speaker doesn’t have the education or ability to use other words. Vocabulary is learned. Profanity is just ignorance at its highest degree.

Reason #2: Your blog is all about sex.
This one is dangerous folks. A blog is not supposed to be a semi-porn site. A blog should not be oozing with perverted themes. It’s damaging. Pornography inevitably goes together with sexual fantasies which rarely live up to anything you’ll experience in real life. It may be suitable for some people, but it’s a guaranteed slow death for any reader who craves for a clean and decent blog. I’m not saying you have to be squeaky clean. I’m just saying, a blog should be a blog, not a porn site.

Reason #3: Your blog is all about links.
This one isn’t really egregious, but posts like this are mostly ignored (at least by me.) There are couple of blogs that I can think of, right off the top of my head, which qualifies to what I call a links-a-lot post. Instead of writing a witty post of their own, they turn to other bloggers to fill the void. That would be okay except these are posts wherein there is little or no commentary by the author of the post–- it is merely a string of links, some with descriptions, some just hanging there. These posts allege to be “posts on articles you might find interesting.”

I know that not every reader is going to feel the way I do about these topics. But surely, you also have your own reasons for not reading some blogs.